Глоссарий (Медицинская энциклопедия)

The surgical removal of the larynx.
A lump or abscess that may be caused by injury or disease, such as cancer.
Cancer of the blood. White blood cells may be produced in excessive amounts and are unable to work properly.
See White blood cell.
A low number of white blood cells.
See Mastectomy-Segmental.
A test to look at the lymph nodes.
Lymphatic system
A network that includes lymph nodes, lymph, and lymph vessels that serves as a filtering system for the blood.
Swelling either from obstructed cancerous lymph nodes or from surgically removed lymph nodes.
Lymph nodes
Hundreds of small oval bodies that contain lymph. Lymph nodes act as our first line of defense against infections and cancer.
White blood cells that kill viruses and defend against the invasion of foreign material.
A cancer of the lymphatic system. Doctors differentiate the different lymphomas by the type of cell that is involved in the makeup of the tumor. Treatments depend on the type of cell that is seen.

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